s u p e r s y m m e t r y

This website is about a specific type of system called a supersymmetric rotor. In a supersymmetric rotor, the mass is distributed eccentrically around the axis of rotation. This means that the total angular momentum of the rotor is not conserved.

The reason for this is that the laws of physics are not symmetrical under rotations in the supersymmetric rotor. This is because the mass distribution is not symmetrical. As a result, the total angular momentum of the rotor can change as it rotates. The result is the systems moving in a direction that is constant, in the video you can observe many systems moving from the supersymmetric rotor.

This is the system on a level tabletop it weighs 65 pounds and moves in a direction that is constant and the end of this video you can see in slow motion the eccentric mass load in slow motion one eccentric mass load rotating clockwise and the other eccentric mass load rotating counterclockwise. video game

The Motion of the Eccentric Load Mass Systems about their Center Axis of Rotation Clockwise, the other Counterclockwise.

Take the time to observe in the videos of the eccentric load mass systems moving in a direction that is constant; there are two axes of rotation for each of the eccentric mass load systems, one rotating clockwise and the other eccentric load systems rotating counterclockwise, the eccentric mass loads of the clockwise and counterclockwise systems are at the greatest distance from the each of the center axis of rotation in unison at one hundred eighty degrees, and as the eccentric load mass systems rotate are closest to their center axis of rotation at zero degrees, the result is the eccentric load mass systems move in the direction of one hundred eighty-degrees.  When the eccentric mass load systems are at ninety degrees, and two hundred seventy degrees are the same distance from the center axis of rotation.  The purpose of one system rotating clockwise and the other counterclockwise is to have each eccentric load mass peak to the greatest distance from the center axis of rotation at the same time, the result is the movement of the clockwise and counterclockwise systems moving in the direction of one hundred eighty degrees, the Conservation of Angular Momentum is not conserved, and the result is the eccentric mass load systems are moving in a direction that is constant.  Emmy Noether’s theorem is strictly for symmetrical operations only due to Symmetries in her outdated conservation laws.  This opens up a new Chapter in physics where the Conservation of Angular Momentum is not conserved

Super Symmetry

Symmetry Versus Asymmetry

From left to right Invariance Symmetry that displays distance from center axis, this is a representation of Emmy Noether’s Law Conservation of Angular Momentum as distance “a” being the same distance from the center axis of rotation.

Super Symmetry

Translational Force Generator

Translational Force Generator-Direct Current system. FIG.1 displays 2 each eccentric mass load systems direct current Quadrupole Systems. FIG.2 displays the polarity on the stator wall and the polarity on each Armature. FIG-3 is the timing gears to keep the eccentric mass loads timed together as one is rotating clockwise and the other eccentric mass load system counterclockwise to keep the eccentric mass load in this drawing to the right in this drawing. FIG.8 is an electrical wiring diagram that is a 12-lead delta Y for the Stator Walls. The square box on the bottom left area of this page displays the eccentric mass load upon the center axis of rotation mathematically.

Super Symmetry

Effects of the Higgs

The Effects of the Higgs Field in Space with mass accelerating straight line or rotational. Circled 1 Rockets in space accelerating a room in space upwards with rocket propulsion; a motor rotating the Man in this room in space inside the center of the room with his arms outstretched with round weights in each hand, due to the rotation of the room an apple on a string is hanging diagonally from the center of the ceiling of this room, towards the wall as this room rotates.

Super Symmetry

Space Time Diagram

Space Time Diagram with the horizontal plane “Space in Feet” at the bottom of page and the “Time in Seconds” on the vertical axis, for the Battery powered Total System video on the surface tension of water where you see the front end of my truck and the water below in my driveway. The website displays many systems moving the earth’s gravitational field, on a flat level tabletop in that system weights 65 pounds moving from eccentric mass load in a direction that is constant.


On the surface tension of water takes 19 seconds to find its center of gravity then moves forward in a constant direction until it hits the end of the water tank, open with web app.

  • 4-Phase Motor Generator Device Patent
  • supersymmetry
  • 4-Phase Motor Generator Device Patent
  • supersymmetry